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Customers and Partners can conduct business with confidence on all HTH web sites.

Members and visitors to any of Highway to Health's web sites can access all available services with confidence because of Highway to Health's security and privacy policies.

Highway to Health respects the privacy of all its Members and Visitors and shares none of the information they submit to HTH with third parties unless specifically authorized to do so.

HTH employs the latest in internet security technology. When registering as an HTH Member, or when requesting, accepting or reviewing medical appointments, Members use the HTH Secure Server. This Server uses the same technology employed by many popular websites for the safe transmission of credit card data (use of the Secure Server requires that your browser supports Secure Socket Layer (SSL), as most popular browsers do). Through encryption that is created by SSL, the personal information you enter, including credit card numbers and social security numbers, cannot be read easily as the information travels over the Internet. Finally, Member information is protected by an authentication process and is accessible only upon presentation of the unique User Name and Password.

For a complete discussion of HTH's security and privacy policies please consult the HTH Site Use Agreement

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